
Our house is a typical Friulian house, on three floors, with its courtyard and private garden and, in the center, the historical well. In front of that there is the stable, so if you are traveling with your horse and your donkey, we have a private room for them too! Behind the stable there is a large garden with an orchard. From the highest point of the hill you can see the surroundings and enjoy a magnificent view of the Alps and the Gemonese basin. The place is suitable for cyclists and walkers, or for sightseeing in the historic localities of our area. Also perfect for a break near the Palmanova – Tarvisio highway (Exit Gemona / Osoppo)

The house

This rural house was rebuilt after the devastating earthquake of 1976, respecting the traditional lines of the Friuli courts. The earthquake did not prevent the Fabbro family, present in this place since the nineteenth century, to live here in continuity with the traditions; they did not disregard them, but they pursued the agricultural activity and the ancient carpenter skills of their ancestors with dignity.

The “cjase di Gjelmo da Gea” breathes the labours of Luciana and Rino, miraculously escaped the earthquake; the eighteenth-century well – source of common water – preserves the voices of numerous children who inhabited these spaces, reduced and then extinguished by emigration.

We want to share these spaces, loaded with books and objects of family crafts, not with tourists, but with travelers, because “travel” and “book” have the same nature.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page” (St Augustine)

La Ciclovia Alpe Adria Radweg

La Ciclovia Alpe Adria Radweg (da cui l’acronimo CAAR), è un tracciato ciclabile transfrontaliero a lunga percorrenza che collega Salisburgo, sul versante settentrionale delle Alpi, alla cittadina balneare di Grado.

La Ciclovia Alpe Adria Radweg viene descritta come uno dei più spettacolari tracciati cicloturistici europei. In effetti è un percorso che offre continue sorprese al cicloturista: si attraversano piacevoli città, borghi medioevali e caratteristici paesini; si pedala lungo placidi fiumi e spumeggianti torrenti che a volte spariscono in forre selvagge.

Delle suggestive valli alpine, ricche di boschi e dominate da alti monti, si scende verso la fertile pianura friulana che conduce fino alle soleggiate spiagge del mar Adriatico.

A conferma della sua spettacolarità, la Ciclovia Alpe Adria Radweg è stata proclamata la “ciclabile dell’anno 2015” durante la fiera del turismo attivo di Amsterdam.